
Gold content and values in US dollars. Based on gold spot price of $1657 per Troy Ounce.


This is a Microsoft Excel spread sheet. Due to the size, it is broken in groups by first letter of the country names.

Data includes:

    Country Name

    Years Minted

    Gross Weight of coin in Grams

    Gold fineness (purity percentage of gold content)

    Net gold weight of coin in Grams

    Gold content in Troy Ounces

    Pre-1933 value in US Dollars (gold was valued at $20.67 per Troy Ounce)

    Post-1933 value in US Dollars (gold was valued at $35.00 per Troy Ounce)

    Gold content at current spot price ($1657.00 per Troy Ounce as of 28 December 2012)




Net Gold










Value In

Value In




of Coin


of Coin

In Troy

u.s. Gold

u.s. Gold



in Grams


in Grams














10.000 Kronur 1974 15.5 0.9 13.95 0.4485 $9.27 $15.70 $743.16
500 Kronur 1961 8.9604 0.9 8.0644 0.2593 $5.36 $9.07 $429.66
10.000 Kronur 2000 8.65 0.9 7.785 0.2503 $5.17 $8.76 $414.75
INDIA (Mohur/Pagoda/Fanam coin weights/fineness are averages)              
200 Mohurs 1628-1658 2332 0.9167 2137.667 68.7276 $1,420.72 $2,405.47 $113,881.63
100 Mohurs 1556-1707 1166 0.9167 1068.833 34.3638 $710.36 $1,202.73 $56,940.82
5 Mohurs 1556-1627 58.3 0.9167 53.4417 1.7182 $35.52 $60.14 $2,847.06
2 Mohurs 1556-1835 23.32 0.9167 21.3767 0.6873 $14.21 $24.05 $1,138.86
1 Mohur  1200-1947 11.66 0.9167 10.6883 0.3436 $7.10 $12.03 $569.35
2/3 Mohur 1700s 7.52 0.9167 6.8933 0.2216 $4.58 $7.76 $367.19
½ Mohur 1200-1947 5.83 0.9167 5.3442 0.1718 $3.55 $6.01 $284.67
1/3 Mohur 1200-1947 3.8867 0.9167 3.5628 0.1145 $2.37 $4.01 $189.73
¼ Mohur 1200-1947 2.915 0.9167 2.6721 0.0859 $1.78 $3.01 $142.34
1/5 Mohur 1839 2.21 0.9167 2.0258 0.0651 $1.35 $2.28 $107.87
1/6 Mohur 1200-1947 1.9435 0.9167 1.7815 0.0573 $1.18 $2.00 $94.95
1/8 Mohur 1200-1947 1.4575 0.9167 1.336 0.043 $0.89 $1.50 $71.25
1/16 Mohur 1500-1820 0.7288 0.9167 0.6681 0.0215 $0.44 $0.75 $35.63
1/30 Mohur 1600s 0.36 0.9167 0.33 0.0106 $0.22 $0.37 $17.56
1/32 Mohur 1500-1820 0.3644 0.9167 0.334 0.0107 $0.22 $0.38 $17.73
1 Heavy Mohur 1600s 12 0.988 11.856 0.3812 $7.88 $13.34 $631.65
½ Heavy Mohur 1600s 6 0.988 5.928 0.1906 $3.94 $6.67 $315.82
¼ Heavy Mohur 1600s 3 0.988 2.964 0.0953 $1.97 $3.34 $157.91
2 Pagodas   1808-1815 5.94 0.8 4.752 0.1528 $3.16 $5.35 $253.19
1 Pagoda   1200-1868 3 0.8 2.4 0.0772 $1.60 $2.70 $127.92
¼ Pagoda   1800s 0.837 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 $1,325.60
2 Fanam (Anantaraya)   0.7 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 $1,491.30
1 Fanam   0.35 0.9 0.315 0.0101 $0.21 $0.35 $16.74
1 Ashrafi 1814-1856 11 0.9167 10.0833 0.3242 $6.70 $11.35 $537.20
½ Ashrafi 1814-1856 5.5 0.9167 5.0417 0.1621 $3.35 $5.67 $268.60
¼ Ashrafi 1814-1856 2.75 0.9167 2.5208 0.081 $1.68 $2.84 $134.22
1 Gold Rupee 1848 0.57 0.9167 0.5225 0.0168 $0.35 $0.59 $27.84
10 Rupees (5 Mohur) 1862-1879 7.774 0.9167 7.1262 0.2291 $4.74 $8.02 $379.62
5 Rupees(2½ Mohur) 1820-1879 3.887 0.9167 3.5631 0.1146 $2.37 $4.01 $189.89
15 Rupees 1918 7.9881 0.9167 7.3224 0.2354 $4.87 $8.24 $390.06
10 Tolas ND 117 0.9956 116.4852 3.7451 $77.42 $131.08 $6,205.63
5 Tolas ND 58.5 0.9957 58.2485 1.8727 $38.71 $65.55 $3,103.06
1 Tola ND 11.7 0.996 11.6532 0.3747 $7.74 $13.11 $620.88
1 Sovereign 1918 7.9881 0.9167 7.3224 0.2354 $4.87 $8.24 $390.06
INDIA - Alwar                
1 Pagoda   1760s 3 0.8 2.4 0.0772 $1.60 $2.70 $127.92
INDIA - Baroda                
1 Mohur  1888-1939 6.3 0.9167 5.775 0.1857 $3.84 $6.50 $307.70
1/3 Mohur 1885-1939 2.1 0.9167 1.925 0.0619 $1.28 $2.17 $102.57
1/6 Mohur 1886 1.1 0.9167 1.0083 0.0324 $0.67 $1.13 $53.69
INDIA - Cutch-Bhuj                
100 Kori 1866 18.7 0.9167 17.1417 0.5511 $11.39 $19.29 $913.17
50 Kori 1873-1874 9.35 0.9167 8.5708 0.2756 $5.70 $9.64 $456.67
25 Kori 1862-1870 4.675 0.9167 4.2854 0.1378 $2.85 $4.82 $228.33
INDIA - Hyderabad                
1 Ashrafi 1870-1949 11.178 0.91 10.172 0.327 $6.76 $11.45 $541.84
½ Ashrafi 1884-1948 5.589 0.91 5.086 0.1635 $3.38 $5.72 $270.92
¼ Ashrafi 1884-1948 2.794 0.91 2.5425 0.0817 $1.69 $2.86 $135.38
? Ashrafi 1876-1949 1.397 0.91 1.2713 0.0409 $0.84 $1.43 $67.77
1/16 Ashrafi 1888-1904 0.698 0.91 0.6352 0.0204 $0.42 $0.71 $33.80
INDIA - Junagadh                
1 Gold Kori 1875-1907 4.51 0.9167 4.1342 0.1329 $2.75 $4.65 $220.22
½ Gold Kori 1892 2.25 0.9167 2.0625 0.0663 $1.37 $2.32 $109.86
INDIA - Madras                
2 Pagodas 1810 5.85 0.9167 5.3625 0.1724 $3.56 $6.03 $285.67
1 Pagoda 1810 2.925 0.9167 2.6813 0.0862 $1.78 $3.02 $142.83
INDIA - Mysore                
4 Pagodas 1893-1805 13.6 0.9167 12.4667 0.4008 $8.29 $14.03 $664.13
2 Pagodas 1802-1806 5.1 0.9167 4.675 0.1503 $3.11 $5.26 $249.05
1 Pagoda 1765-1802 3.4 0.9167 3.1167 0.1002 $2.07 $3.51 $166.03
½.Pagoda 1770 1.7 0.9167 1.5583 0.0501 $1.04 $1.75 $83.02
INDIA - Navanagar                
1 Gold Kori 1571 (1860) 6.5 0.9167 5.9583 0.1916 $3.96 $6.70 $317.48
½ Gold Kori 1571 (1860) 3.25 0.9167 2.9792 0.0958 $1.98 $3.35 $158.74
INDIA - Travancore                
2 Pagodas 1877-1924 5.1 0.9167 4.675 0.1503 $3.11 $5.26 $249.05
1 Pagoda 1877-1924 2.55 0.9167 2.3375 0.0752 $1.55 $2.63 $124.61
½.Pagoda 1881-1924 1.27 0.9167 1.1642 0.0374 $0.77 $1.31 $61.97
¼.Pagoda 1881-1924 0.63 0.9167 0.5775 0.0186 $0.38 $0.65 $30.82
1 Sovereign 1881 7.9881 0.9167 7.3224 0.2354 $4.87 $8.24 $390.06
½ Sovereign 1881 3.994 0.9167 3.6612 0.1177 $2.43 $4.12 $195.03
1 Gold Rupee 1783-1797 16.0121 0.792 12.6816 0.4077 $8.43 $14.27 $675.56
½ Gold Rupee 1783-1799 8.006 0.792 6.3408 0.2039 $4.21 $7.14 $337.86
½ Mohur 1813-1814 8.006 0.75 6.0045 0.193 $3.99 $6.76 $319.80
½ Mohur 1815-1816 8.006 0.8333 6.6714 0.2145 $4.43 $7.51 $355.43
25.000 Rupiah 1970 61.71 0.9 55.539 1.7856 $36.91 $62.50 $2,958.74
20.000 Rupiah 1970 29.37 0.9 26.433 0.8498 $17.57 $29.74 $1,408.12
10.000 Rupiah 1970 24.68 0.9 22.212 0.7141 $14.76 $24.99 $1,183.26
5000 Rupiah 1970 12.34 0.9 11.106 0.3571 $7.38 $12.50 $591.71
2000 Rupiah 1970 4.93 0.9 4.437 0.1427 $2.95 $4.99 $236.45
100.000Rupiah 1974 33.437 0.9 30.0933 0.9675 $20.00 $33.86 $1,603.15
200.000 Rupiah 1987-1990 10 0.9167 9.167 0.2947 $6.09 $10.32 $488.32
750.,000 Rupiah 1990 45 0.9583 43.1235 1.3865 $28.66 $48.53 $2,297.43
250.000 Rupiah 1990 17 0.9583 16.2911 0.5238 $10.83 $18.33 $867.94
125.000 Rupiah 1990 8 0.9583 7.6664 0.2465 $5.10 $8.63 $408.45
850.000 Rupiah 1995 50 0.9583 47.915 1.5405 $31.85 $53.92 $2,552.61
300.000 Rupiah 1995 17 0.9583 16.2911 0.5238 $10.83 $18.33 $867.94
150.000 Rupiah 1999 6.22 0.9999 6.2194 0.2 $4.13 $7.00 $331.40
IRAN (PERSIA) (Toman denominated coins vary from mint and year)              
1 Ashrafi 1500-1750 3.5 0.975 3.4125 0.1097 $2.27 $3.84 $181.77
1 Mohr Ashrafi 1741-1757 11 0.975 10.725 0.3448 $7.13 $12.07 $571.33
1/6 Mohr 1750s 1.83 0.975 1.7843 0.0574 $1.19 $2.01 $95.11
1/12 Mohr 1750s 0.9 0.975 0.8775 0.0282 $0.58 $0.99 $46.73
2 Rupi 1748              
2 Mohurs   22 0.9167 20.1667 0.6484 $13.40 $22.69 $1,074.40
1 Mohur     11 0.9167 10.0833 0.3242 $6.70 $11.35 $537.20
½ Mohur   5.5 0.9167 5.0417 0.1621 $3.35 $5.67 $268.60
1/3 Mohur   3.65 0.9167 3.3458 0.1076 $2.22 $3.76 $178.29
¼ Mohur   2.75 0.9167 2.5208 0.081 $1.68 $2.84 $134.22
1/5 Mohur 1839 2.21 0.9167 2.0258 0.0651 $1.35 $2.28 $107.87
25 Tomans 1890 71.9252 0.9 64.7327 2.0812 $43.02 $72.84 $3,448.55
20 Tomans 1848-1896 57.488 0.9 51.7392 1.6635 $34.39 $58.22 $2,756.42
10 Tornans 1880-1920 28.744 0.9 25.8696 0.8317 $17.19 $29.11 $1,378.13
5 Tomans 1914-1916 14.372 0.9 12.9348 0.4159 $8.60 $14.56 $689.15
2 Tomans  1848-1925 5.7489 0.9 5.174 0.1663 $3.44 $5.82 $275.56
2 Tomans 1878-1905 6.515 0.9 5.8635 0.1885 $3.90 $6.60 $312.34
1 Toman 1848-1927 2.8744 0.9 2.587 0.0832 $1.72 $2.91 $137.86
1 Toman 1876-1925 3.4525 0.9 3.1073 0.0999 $2.07 $3.50 $165.53
1/5 Toman 1858-1925 0.5749 0.9 0.5174 0.0166 $0.34 $0.58 $27.51
5000 Dinars   1.63 0.9 1.467 0.0472 $0.97 $1.65 $78.21
2000 Dinars   0.652 0.9 0.5868 0.0189 $0.39 $0.66 $31.32
5 Pahlevi 1925-1930 9.59 0.9 8.631 0.2775 $5.74 $9.71 $459.82
2 Pahlevi 1925-1930 3.836 0.9 3.4524 0.111 $2.29 $3.88 $183.93
1 Pahlevi 1925 2.8744 0.9 2.587 0.0832 $1.72 $2.91 $137.86
1 Pahlevi 1925-1930 1.918 0.9 1.7262 0.0555 $1.15 $1.94 $91.96
5 Pahlevi 1927-1930 9.59 0.9 8.631 0.2775 $5.74 $9.71 $459.82
2 Pahlevi 1927-1930 3.836 0.9 3.4524 0.111 $2.29 $3.88 $183.93
1 Pahlevi 1927-1930 1.918 0.9 1.7262 0.0555 $1.15 $1.94 $91.96
1 Pahlevi 1932-1979 8.136 0.9 7.3224 0.2354 $4.87 $8.24 $390.06
½ Pahlevi 1932-1979 4.068 0.9 3.6612 0.1177 $2.43 $4.12 $195.03
¼ Pahlevi 1954-1979 2.034 0.9 1.8306 0.0589 $1.22 $2.06 $97.60
5 Pahlevi 1961-1979 40.6799 0.9 36.6119 1.1771 $24.33 $41.20 $1,950.45
2½ Pahlevi 1961-1979 20.34 0.9 18.306 0.5886 $12.17 $20.60 $975.31
2000 Rials 1971 26.06 0.9 23.454 0.7541 $15.59 $26.39 $1,249.54
1000 Rials 1971 13.03 0.9 11.727 0.377 $7.79 $13.20 $624.69
750 Rials 1971 9.77 0.9 8.793 0.2827 $5.84 $9.89 $468.43
500 Rials 1971 6.51 0.9 5.859 0.1884 $3.89 $6.59 $312.18
5 Azadi 1979 40.68 0.9 36.612 1.1771 $24.33 $41.20 $1,950.45
2½ Azadi 1979 20.34 0.9 18.306 0.5886 $12.17 $20.60 $975.31
1 Azadi 1979-1996 8.136 0.9 7.3224 0.2354 $4.87 $8.24 $390.06
½ Azadi 1969-1979 4.068 0.9 3.6612 0.1177 $2.43 $4.12 $195.03
¼ Azadi 1979 2.0339 0.9 1.8305 0.0589 $1.22 $2.06 $97.60
5 Dinars 1971 13.57 0.9167 12.4392 0.3999 $8.27 $14.00 $662.63
100 Dinars 1979-1982 26 0.9167 23.8333 0.7663 $15.84 $26.82 $1,269.76
50 Dinars 1979, 1982 13.7 0.9167 12.5583 0.4038 $8.35 $14.13 $669.10
50 Dinars 1980 13 0.9167 11.9167 0.3831 $7.92 $13.41 $634.80
ISLE OF MAN                
5 Pounds - Proof 1965 39.95 0.98 39.151 1.2587 $26.02 $44.06 $2,085.67
1 Sovereign - Proof 1965 8 0.98 7.84 0.2521 $5.21 $8.82 $417.73
½ Sovereign - Proof 1965 4 0.98 3.92 0.126 $2.61 $4.41 $208.78
5 Pounds 1965 39.8134 0.9167 36.4956 1.1734 $24.26 $41.07 $1,944.32
1 Sovereign 1965 7.9627 0.9167 7.2991 0.2347 $4.85 $8.21 $388.90
½ Sovereign 1965 3.9813 0.9167 3.6495 0.1173 $2.43 $4.11 $194.37
5 Pounds 1973-1981 39.8134 0.9167 36.4956 1.1734 $24.26 $41.07 $1,944.32
2 Pounds 1973-1984 15.9253 0.9167 14.5982 0.4693 $9.70 $16.43 $777.63
1 Sovereign 1973-1988 7.9627 0.9167 7.2991 0.2347 $4.85 $8.21 $388.90
½ Sovereign 1973-1988 3.9813 0.9167 3.6495 0.1173 $2.43 $4.11 $194.37
1 Crown 1979-1980 43 0.9167 39.4181 1.2673 $26.20 $44.36 $2,099.92
1 Crown 1980 39.8 0.9167 36.4847 1.173 $24.25 $41.06 $1,943.66
1 Crown 1980 5 0.374 1.87 0.0601 $1.24 $2.10 $99.59
1 Crown 1980-1996 7.96 0.9167 7.2969 0.2346 $4.85 $8.21 $388.73
1 Crown 1981-1986 5.1 0.374 1.9074 0.0613 $1.27 $2.15 $101.57
5 Pounds   1981-1985 39.9 0.9167 36.5763 1.176 $24.31 $41.16 $1,948.63
1 Sovereign 1983-1984 9.5 0.374 3.553 0.1142 $2.36 $4.00 $189.23
1 Angel 1984-1995 33.93 0.9167 31.1036 1 $20.67 $35.00 $1,657.00
1/10 Angel 1984-1992 3.39 0.917 3.1086 0.0999 $2.07 $3.50 $165.53
1/10 Angel 1884 3.1103 0.9999 3.11 0.1 $2.07 $3.50 $165.70
½ Angel 1985-1988 16.938 0.9167 15.5271 0.4992 $10.32 $17.47 $827.17
¼ Angel 1985-1991 8.483 0.9167 7.7764 0.25 $5.17 $8.75 $414.25
1/20 Angel 1986-1993 1.697 0.9167 1.5556 0.05 $1.03 $1.75 $82.85
½ Crown 1987-1988 15.55 0.9999 15.5484 0.4999 $10.33 $17.50 $828.33
1 Crown 1988-2000 31.1 0.9999 31.0969 0.9998 $20.67 $34.99 $1,656.67
½ Crown 1988-1990 16.4 0.948 15.5472 0.4999 $10.33 $17.49 $828.33
1/5 Crown 1988-2000 6.22 0.9999 6.2194 0.2 $4.13 $7.00 $331.40
1/10 Crown 1988-2000 3.11 0.9999 3.1097 0.1 $2.07 $3.50 $165.70
1/25 Crown 1988-2000 1.244 0.9999 1.2439 0.04 $0.83 $1.40 $66.28
2 Pounds 1989 15.94 0.9167 14.6122 0.4698 $9.71 $16.44 $778.46
1 Crown 1990-1991 6.22 0.9999 6.2194 0.2 $4.13 $7.00 $331.40
½ Crown 1991 16.4 0.948 15.5472 0.4999 $10.33 $17.49 $828.33
½ Crown 1991-2000 15.55 0.9999 15.5484 0.4999 $10.33 $17.50 $828.33
½ Angel 1994 15.5517 0.9999 15.5501 0.4999 $10.33 $17.50 $828.33
¼ Angel 1994 7.7758 0.9999 7.775 0.25 $5.17 $8.75 $414.25
1/20 Angel 1994-1999 1.5551 0.9999 1.5549 0.05 $1.03 $1.75 $82.85
5 Pounds   1995-1999  39.83 0.9167 36.5122 1.1739 $24.27 $41.09 $1,945.15
¼ Crown 1996 3.888 0.9999 3.8876 0.125 $2.58 $4.37 $207.13
5 Sovereign 1999 31.1035 0.9999 31.1004 0.9999 $20.67 $35.00 $1,656.83
2 Sovereign 1999 10 0.9999 9.999 0.3215 $6.65 $11.25 $532.73
1 Sovereign 1999 5 0.9999 4.9995 0.1607 $3.32 $5.63 $266.28
¾ sovereign 1999 3.5 0.9999 3.4997 0.1125 $2.33 $3.94 $186.41
½ Sovereign 1999 2.5 0.9999 2.4998 0.0804 $1.66 $2.81 $133.22
1/5 Sovereign 1999 1 0.9999 0.9999 0.0321 $0.66 $1.13 $53.19
20 Lirot 1960 7.988 0.9167 7.3223 0.2354 $4.87 $8.24 $390.06
100 Lirot 1962-1967 26.68 0.9167 24.4567 0.7863 $16.25 $27.52 $1,302.90
50 Lirot 1962-1964 13.34 0.9167 12.2283 0.3932 $8.13 $13.76 $651.53
100 Lirot 1968-1969 25 0.8 20 0.643 $13.29 $22.51 $1,065.45
100 Lirot 1971 22 0.9 19.8 0.6366 $13.16 $22.28 $1,054.85
200 Lirot 1973 27 0.9 24.3 0.7813 $16.15 $27.34 $1,294.61
100 Lirot 1973 13.5 0.9 12.15 0.3906 $8.08 $13.67 $647.22
50 Lirot 1973 7 0.9 6.3 0.2025 $4.19 $7.09 $335.54
500 Lirot 1974 28 0.9 25.2 0.8102 $16.75 $28.36 $1,342.50
500 Lirot 1975 20 0.9 18 0.5787 $11.96 $20.25 $958.91
1000 Lirot 1978 12 0.9 10.8 0.3472 $7.18 $12.15 $575.31
5.000 Lirot 1980 17.28 0.9 15.552 0.5 $10.34 $17.50 $828.50
500 Sheqel 1980 17.28 0.9 15.552 0.5 $10.34 $17.50 $828.50
10 Sheqalim 1981-1985 17.28 0.9 15.552 0.5 $10.34 $17.50 $828.50
5 Sheqalim 1982-1985 8.63 0.9 7.767 0.2497 $5.16 $8.74 $413.75
10 New Sheqalim 1986-1998 17.28 0.9 15.552 0.5 $10.34 $17.50 $828.50
5 New Sheqalim 1986-1998 8.63 0.9 7.767 0.2497 $5.16 $8.74 $413.75
1 New Sheqalim 1991-1998 2.46 0.9 2.214 0.0712 $1.47 $2.49 $117.98
10 New Sheqalim 1995-1999 16.96 0.917 15.5523 0.5 $10.34 $17.50 $828.50
20 New Sheqalim 1996-1998 31.1035 0.9999 31.1004 0.9999 $20.67 $35.00 $1,656.83
10 New Sheqalim 1998 15.55 0.9999 15.5484 0.4999 $10.33 $17.50 $828.33
100 Lire 1832-1927 32 0.9 28.8 0.9259 $19.14 $32.41 $1,534.22
80 Lire  1821-1831 25 0.9 22.5 0.7234 $14.95 $25.32 $1,198.67
50 Lire  1832-1927 16.129 0.9 14.5161 0.4667 $9.65 $16.33 $773.32
40 Lire  1806-1848 12.9039 0.9 11.6135 0.3734 $7.72 $13.07 $618.72
20 Lire  1800-1927 6.4516 0.9 5.8064 0.1867 $3.86 $6.53 $309.36
10 Lire  1832-1927 3.2258 0.9 2.9032 0.0933 $1.93 $3.27 $154.60
5 Lire  1863-1865 1.6129 0.9 1.4516 0.0467 $0.96 $1.63 $77.38
100 Lire  1931-1936 8.799 0.9 7.9191 0.2546 $5.26 $8.91 $421.87
50 Lire  1931-1936 4.3995 0.9 3.9596 0.1273 $2.63 $4.46 $210.94
100 Lire  1937 5.19 0.9 4.671 0.1502 $3.10 $5.26 $248.88
100.000 Lire 1993-1997 7.5 0.9 6.75 0.217 $4.49 $7.60 $359.57
50.000 Lire 1993 15 0.9 13.5 0.434 $8.97 $15.19 $719.14
ITALY - FIRENZE                
80 Florins = 10 Zecchini = 200 Paoli =133½ Lire)                
1 Ruspone (3 Zecchini)  1719-1859 10.461 1 10.461 0.3363 $6.95 $11.77 $557.25
1 Zecchino  1712-1853 3.487 1 3.487 0.1121 $2.32 $3.92 $185.75
80 Florins  1827-1828 32.618 1 32.618 1.0487 $21.68 $36.70 $1,737.70
ITALY - NAPOLI                
1 Genovino  1200-1415 3.5 0.986 3.451 0.111 $2.29 $3.88 $183.93
1 Florin  1250-1500 3.5 0.986 3.451 0.111 $2.29 $3.88 $183.93
1 Doppia  1280-1815 7 0.986 6.902 0.2219 $4.59 $7.77 $367.69
1 Scudo doro  1300-1750 3.5 0.986 3.451 0.111 $2.29 $3.88 $183.93
1 Zecchino  1500-1800 3.5 0.986 3.451 0.111 $2.29 $3.88 $183.93
6 Ducati  1749-1785 8.82 0.875 7.7175 0.2481 $5.13 $8.68 $411.10
4 Ducati  1749-1782 5.88 0.875 5.145 0.1654 $3.42 $5.79 $274.07
2 Ducati  1749-1772 2.94 0.875 2.5725 0.0827 $1.71 $2.89 $137.03
30 Ducati  1818-1856 37.867 0.996 37.7155 1.2126 $25.07 $42.44 $2,009.28
15 Ducati  1818-1856 18.933 0.996 18.8573 0.6063 $12.53 $21.22 $1,004.64
6 Ducati  1826-1856 7.573 0.996 7.5427 0.2425 $5.01 $8.49 $401.82
3 Ducati  1818-1856 3.786 0.996 3.7709 0.1212 $2.51 $4.24 $200.83
ITALY - VENEZIA                
2 Scudo d'Oro 1618-1797 6.762 0.9167 6.1987 0.1993 $4.12 $6.98 $330.24
1 Scudo d'Oro 1618-1797 3.331 0.9167 3.0535 0.0982 $2.03 $3.44 $162.72
½ Scudo d'Oro 1722-1797 1.69 0.9167 1.5492 0.0498 $1.03 $1.74 $82.52
5 Zecchino  1618-1797 17.37 0.9999 17.3683 0.5584 $11.54 $19.54 $925.27
4 Zecchino  1700-1709 13.977 0.9999 13.9756 0.4493 $9.29 $15.73 $744.49
4 Zecchino  1779-1789 13.8 0.9999 13.7986 0.4436 $9.17 $15.53 $735.05
2 Zecchino  1618-1797 6.988 0.9999 6.9873 0.2246 $4.64 $7.86 $372.16
1 Zecchino  1595-1797 3.494 0.9999 3.4937 0.1123 $2.32 $3.93 $186.08
½ Zecchino  1595-1797 1.747 0.9999 1.7468 0.0562 $1.16 $1.97 $93.12
¼ Zecchino  1595-1797 0.873 0.9999 0.8729 0.0281 $0.58 $0.98 $46.56
2 Ducats 1605-1612 4.332 0.9999 4.3316 0.1393 $2.88 $4.87 $230.82
1 Ducat 1605-1629 2.166 0.9999 2.1658 0.0696 $1.44 $2.44 $115.33
½ Ducat 1605-1612 1.083 0.9999 1.0829 0.0348 $0.72 $1.22 $57.66
IVORY COAST                
100 Francs 1966 32 0.9 28.8 0.9259 $19.14 $32.41 $1,534.22
50 Francs 1966 16 0.9 14.4 0.463 $9.57 $16.20 $767.19
25 Francs 1966 8 0.9 7.2 0.2315 $4.79 $8.10 $383.60
10 Francs 1966 3.2 0.9 2.88 0.0926 $1.91 $3.24 $153.44
20 Dollars 1972 15.7484 0.5 7.8742 0.2532 $5.23 $8.86 $419.55
100 Dollars 1973 7.13 0.9 6.417 0.2063 $4.26 $7.22 $341.84
100 Dollars 1975-1976 7.83 0.9 7.047 0.2266 $4.68 $7.93 $375.48
250 Dollars 1978-1979 43.2219 0.9 38.8997 1.2507 $25.85 $43.77 $2,072.41
100 Dollars 1978-1987 11.34 0.9 10.206 0.3281 $6.78 $11.48 $543.66
250 Dollars 1980-1983 11.34 0.9 10.206 0.3281 $6.78 $11.48 $543.66
250 Dollars 1987 16 0.9 14.4 0.463 $9.57 $16.20 $767.19
500 Dollars 1992-1993 11.34 0.9 10.206 0.3281 $6.78 $11.48 $543.66
500 Dollars 1994 47.54 0.9167 43.5799 1.4011 $28.96 $49.04 $2,321.62
100 Dollars 1995 15.96 0.9999 15.9584 0.5131 $10.61 $17.96 $850.21
50 Dollars 1995 7.776 0.5833 4.536 0.1458 $3.01 $5.10 $241.59
100 Dollars 1998 15.97 0.9167 14.6397 0.4707 $9.73 $16.47 $779.95
20 Yen 1870-1880 33.3332 0.9 29.9999 0.9645 $19.94 $33.76 $1,598.18
10 Yen 1871-1880 16.6666 0.9 14.9999 0.4823 $9.97 $16.88 $799.17
5 Yen 1870-1897 8.3333 0.9 7.5 0.2411 $4.98 $8.44 $399.50
2 Yen 1870-1880 3.3333 0.9 3 0.0965 $1.99 $3.38 $159.90
1 Yen 1871-1880 1.6666 0.9 1.4999 0.0482 $1.00 $1.69 $79.87
20 Yen 1897-1932 16.6666 0.9 14.9999 0.4823 $9.97 $16.88 $799.17
10 Yen 1897-1910 8.3333 0.9 7.5 0.2411 $4.98 $8.44 $399.50
5 Yen 1897-1930 4.1666 0.9 3.7499 0.1206 $2.49 $4.22 $199.83
100.000 Yen 1986 20 1 20 0.643 $13.29 $22.51 $1,065.45
100.000 Yen 1990 30 1 30 0.9645 $19.94 $33.76 $1,598.18
50.000 Yen 1993 18 1 18 0.5787 $11.96 $20.25 $958.91
20.000 Yen 1997 15.6 1 15.6 0.5016 $10.37 $17.55 $831.15
20.000 Yen 1999 20 1 20 0.643 $13.29 $22.51 $1,065.45
50 Pounds 1972 22.63 0.9167 20.7442 0.6669 $13.79 $23.34 $1,105.05
25 Pounds 1972 11.9 0.9167 10.9083 0.3507 $7.25 $12.27 $581.11
20 Pounds 1972 9.26 0.9167 8.4883 0.2729 $5.64 $9.55 $452.20
10 Pounds 1972 4.64 0.9167 4.2533 0.1367 $2.83 $4.79 $226.51
5 Pounds 1972 2.62 0.9167 2.4017 0.0772 $1.60 $2.70 $127.92
2 Pounds 1981-1990 15.98 0.9167 14.6489 0.471 $9.74 $16.48 $780.45
1 Pound 1981 17.55 0.9167 16.0881 0.5172 $10.69 $18.10 $857.00
1 Pound 1983-1994 18.65 0.9167 17.0965 0.5497 $11.36 $19.24 $910.85
2 Pounds 1985 47.54 0.9167 43.5799 1.4011 $28.96 $49.04 $2,321.62
100 Pounds 1990 31.21 0.9999 31.2069 1.0033 $20.74 $35.12 $1,662.47
50 Pounds 1990-1995 15.61 0.9999 15.6084 0.5018 $10.37 $17.56 $831.48
25 Pounds 1990 7.18 0.9999 7.1793 0.2308 $4.77 $8.08 $382.44
10 Pounds 1990-1995 3.13 0.9999 3.1297 0.1006 $2.08 $3.52 $166.69
1 Sovereign 2000 7.98 0.9167 7.3153 0.2352 $4.86 $8.23 $389.73
25 Dinars 1969 69.11 0.9 62.199 1.9997 $41.34 $69.99 $3,313.50
10 Dinars 1969 27.64 0.9 24.876 0.7998 $16.53 $27.99 $1,325.27
5 Dinars 1969 13.82 0.9 12.438 0.3999 $8.27 $14.00 $662.63
2 Diriars 1969 5.52 0.9 4.968 0.1597 $3.30 $5.59 $264.62
50 Dinars 1976 15.98 0.9167 14.6489 0.471 $9.74 $16.48 $780.45
50 Dinars 1977 33.437 0.9 30.0933 0.9675 $20.00 $33.86 $1,603.15
25 Dinars 1977 15 0.9 13.5 0.434 $8.97 $15.19 $719.14
40 Dinars 1980 14.31 0.9167 13.118 0.4218 $8.72 $14.76 $698.92
60 Dinars 1981 17.17 0.9167 15.7397 0.506 $10.46 $17.71 $838.44
50 Dinars 1985 17.17 0.9167 15.7397 0.506 $10.46 $17.71 $838.44
5 Francs 1961 13.33 0.9 11.997 0.3857 $7.97 $13.50 $639.10
KEELING-COCOS IS.                
150 Rupees 1977 8.48 0.916 7.7677 0.2497 $5.16 $8.74 $413.75
500 Shillings 1966 38 0.9167 34.8333 1.1199 $23.15 $39.20 $1,855.67
250 Shillings 1966 19 0.9167 17.4167 0.56 $11.58 $19.60 $927.92
100 Shillings 1966 7.6 0.9167 6.9667 0.224 $4.63 $7.84 $371.17
3000 Shillings 1979 40 0.9167 36.668 1.1789 $24.37 $41.26 $1,953.44
150 Dollars 1979-1981 15.98 0.9167 14.6483 0.471 $9.74 $16.48 $780.45
10 Dollars 1984 47.52 0.9167 43.5616 1.4005 $28.95 $49.02 $2,320.63
50 Dollars 1997 7.7759 0.9999 7.7751 0.25 $5.17 $8.75 $414.25
10 Dollars 1998 1.2441 0.9999 1.244 0.04 $0.83 $1.40 $66.28
20 Won 1906-1910 16.6666 0.9 14.9999 0.4823 $9.97 $16.88 $799.17
10 Won 1906-1909 8.3333 0.9 7.5 0.2411 $4.98 $8.44 $399.50
5 Won 1908-1909 4.1666 0.9 3.7499 0.1206 $2.49 $4.22 $199.83
5 Dinars 1961 13.5715 0.916 12.4315 0.3997 $8.26 $13.99 $662.30
100 Dinars 1981 15.98 0.9167 14.6489 0.471 $9.74 $16.48 $780.45
25 Dinars 1986 16.966 0.9167 15.5527 0.5 $10.34 $17.50 $828.50
100 Dinars 1987-1991 16.966 0.9167 15.5527 0.5 $10.34 $17.50 $828.50
100 Som 1995 6.22 0.9999 6.2194 0.2 $4.13 $7.00 $331.40
50.000 Kip  1970 3.66 0.9 3.294 0.1059 $2.19 $3.71 $175.48
80.000 Kip  1971 80 0.9 72 2.3149 $47.85 $81.02 $3,835.79
40.000 Kip  1971 40 0.9 36 1.1574 $23.93 $40.51 $1,917.81
20.,000 Kip  1971 20 0.9 18 0.5787 $11.96 $20.25 $958.91
8000 Kip  1971 8 0.9 7.2 0.2315 $4.79 $8.10 $383.60
4000 Kip  1971 4 0.9 3.6 0.1157 $2.39 $4.05 $191.71
100.000 Kip  1975 7.32 0.9 6.588 0.2118 $4.38 $7.41 $350.95
100 Kip 1988-1990 3.15 0.9999 3.1497 0.1013 $2.09 $3.54 $167.85
5000 Kip 1996 7.76 0.5833 4.5267 0.1455 $3.01 $5.09 $241.09
2000 Kip 1998 1.2331 0.9999 1.233 0.0396 $0.82 $1.39 $65.62
100 Latu 1993 13.338 0.8333 11.115 0.3574 $7.39 $12.51 $592.21
10 Latu 1998 1.2441 0.9999 1.244 0.04 $0.83 $1.40 $66.28
400 Livres 1980 8 0.9 7.2 0.2315 $4.79 $8.10 $383.60
20 Maloti 1966-1969 79.881 0.9167 73.2243 2.3542 $48.67 $82.40 $3,900.91
10 Malofi 1966-1969 39.94 0.9167 36.6117 1.1771 $24.33 $41.20 $1,950.45
4 Maloti 1966-1969 15.976 0.9167 14.6447 0.4708 $9.73 $16.48 $780.12
2 Maloti 1966-1969 7.988 0.9167 7.3223 0.2354 $4.87 $8.24 $390.06
1 Maloti 1966-1969 3.994 0.9167 3.6612 0.1177 $2.43 $4.12 $195.03
100 Maloti 1976 9 0.9 8.1 0.2604 $5.38 $9.11 $431.48
50 Maloti 1976 3.5 0.9 3.15 0.1013 $2.09 $3.54 $167.85
250 Maloti 1979 33.93 0.9167 31.1036 1 $20.67 $35.00 $1,657.00
250 Maloti 1980 31.1 0.9167 28.5094 0.9166 $18.95 $32.08 $1,518.81
500 Maloti 1980-1981 33.93 0.9167 31.1036 1 $20.67 $35.00 $1,657.00
250 Maloti 1981 15.9 0.9167 14.5755 0.4686 $9.69 $16.40 $776.47
250 Maloti 1981 16.96 0.9167 15.5472 0.4999 $10.33 $17.49 $828.33
250 Maloti 1982 7.13 0.9 6.417 0.2063 $4.26 $7.22 $341.84
200 Maloti 1983 15.98 0.9167 14.6489 0.471 $9.74 $16.48 $780.45
250 Maloti 1988 15.98 0.9167 14.6489 0.471 $9.74 $16.48 $780.45
20 Dollars - Red Gold 1964 18.65 0.9 16.785 0.5397 $11.16 $18.89 $894.28
20 Dollars- Yellow Gold 1964 18.65 0.999 18.6314 0.599 $12.38 $20.97 $992.54
30 Dollars 1965 15 0.9 13.5 0.434 $8.97 $15.19 $719.14
25 Dollars 1965 23.312 0.9 20.9808 0.6745 $13.94 $23.61 $1,117.65
12 Dollars 1965 6 0.9 5.4 0.1736 $3.59 $6.08 $287.66
20 Dollars 1972 33.437 0.9 30.0933 0.9675 $20.00 $33.86 $1,603.15
10 Dollars 1972 16.7185 0.9 15.0467 0.4838 $10.00 $16.93 $801.66
5 Dollars 1972 8.3592 0.9 7.5233 0.2419 $5.00 $8.47 $400.83
2½ Dollars 1972 4.1796 0.9 3.7616 0.1209 $2.50 $4.23 $200.33
25 Dollars 1972 23.312 0.91 21.2139 0.682 $14.10 $23.87 $1,130.07
400 Dollars 1976 24 0.9 21.6 0.6945 $14.36 $24.31 $1,150.79
200 Dollars 1976 12 0.9 10.8 0.3472 $7.18 $12.15 $575.31
100 Dollars 1976 6 0.9 5.4 0.1736 $3.59 $6.08 $287.66
100 Dollars 1977-1985 10.93 0.9 9.837 0.3163 $6.54 $11.07 $524.11
100 Dollars 1979 11.2 0.9 10.08 0.3241 $6.70 $11.34 $537.03
200 Dollars 1983 15.98 0.9167 14.6489 0.471 $9.74 $16.48 $780.45
200 Dollars 1983 15.98 0.9 14.382 0.4624 $9.56 $16.18 $766.20
100 Dollars 1985 7.13 0.9 6.417 0.2063 $4.26 $7.22 $341.84
250 Dollars 1988-1999 15.5 0.9999 15.4985 0.4983 $10.30 $17.44 $825.68
100 Dollars 1993-1999 6.22 0.9999 6.2194 0.2 $4.13 $7.00 $331.40
20 Dollars 1994-1999 1.37 0.9999 1.3699 0.044 $0.91 $1.54 $72.91
2500 Dollars 1996-1999 155.5175 0.9999 155.5019 4.9995 $103.35 $174.98 $8,284.17
500 Dollars 1996-1999 31.1034 0.9 27.9931 0.9 $18.60 $31.50 $1,491.30
50 Dollars 1996-1999 3.1102 0.9999 3.1099 0.1 $2.07 $3.50 $165.70
200 Dollars 1999 12.4444 0.9999 12.4432 0.4001 $8.27 $14.00 $662.97
70 Dinars 1981 15.98 0.9167 14.6489 0.471 $9.74 $16.48 $780.45
20 Kronen 1898-1900 6.775 0.9 6.0975 0.196 $4.05 $6.86 $324.77
10 Kronen 1898-1900 3.375 0.9 3.0375 0.0977 $2.02 $3.42 $161.89
20 Franken 1930-1946 6.4516 0.9 5.8064 0.1867 $3.86 $6.53 $309.36
10 Franken 1930-1946 3.2258 0.9 2.9032 0.0933 $1.93 $3.27 $154.60
100 Franken 1952 32.258 0.9 29.0322 0.9334 $19.30 $32.67 $1,546.64
50 Franken 1956-1961 11.29 0.9 10.161 0.3267 $6.75 $11.43 $541.34
25 Franken 1956-1961 5.645 0.9 5.0805 0.1633 $3.38 $5.72 $270.59
50 Franken 1988-1990 10 0.9 9 0.2894 $5.98 $10.13 $479.54
1 Litas 1997 7.7759 0.9999 7.7751 0.25 $5.17 $8.75 $414.25
20 Francs 1953 6.4516 0.9 5.8064 0.1867 $3.86 $6.53 $309.36
40 Francs 1964-1997 12.9039 0.9 11.6135 0.3734 $7.72 $13.07 $618.72
20 Francs 1989 6.22 0.9999 6.2194 0.2 $4.13 $7.00 $331.40