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This is a modest collection of second millennium gold coins of Spain from the 19th and 20th Centuries

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Spain 1813C 2S.JPG (40864 bytes)

2 Escudos -  1813-C

KM-468 - 6,77 g

The obverse features a bust of King Ferdinand VII (b1785-d1833) with the Latin legend FRDIN-VII-D-G-HISP-ET-IND-R with the date 1813 below.  The reverse has the Spanish royal arms flanked by the denomination 2 S within a garter. This is encircled with the Latin legend IN-UTROQ-FELIX-AUSPICE-DEO. At the left bottom is the crowned C mintmark for the Catalonia mint which was located at Palma de Mallorca in the Islas Balearas at the time and to the right the mintmaster's initials CJ. This coin was issued while Joseph Napoleon occupied the Spanish throne and Ferdinand VII was in exile.

80 Reales -  1842-M

KM-578.2 - 6,77 g

The obverse features a bust of Queen Isabel II (b1830-d1904) with the legend ISABEL 2A POR LA GRACIA DE DIOS Y LA CONST. Isabel II for the Grace of God and the Constitution).  Under the bust is the date 1842. The reverse has the Spanish royal arms. The legend REINA DE LAS ESPAŅAS (Queen of the Spains) surrounds the top half whilst the denomination 80 RS are at the side of the arms within the garter.  The mintmark crowned M for the Madrid Mint is to the left and the mintmaster's initials C.L. are to the right at the bottom. 

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40 Reales -  1862/1-M

KM-616.2 - 3,33 g - 18mm

Edge - Reeded

The obverse features a bust of Queen Isabel II (b1830-d1904) with the legend ISABEL 2A POR LA G. DE DIOS Y LA CONST. Isabel II for the Grace of God and the Constitution).  Under the bust is the initials L.M. and under that the date 1862. The reverse has the Spanish royal arms. The legend REINA DE LAS ESPAŅAS (Queen of the Spains) surrounds the top half whilst the denomination 40 RS is at the bottom.  The mintmark is a six-pointed star on each side of the denomination for the Madrid Mint. This coin has a very clear underdate of 1 under the 2.

10 Pesetas - 1878 (1962)

KM-677 - 3,23 g

Mintage - 0,018M

The obverse features a bust of a young King Alfonso XII (b1857-d1885) with the legend ALFONSO XII POR LA G DE DIOS (Alfonso XII for the Grace of God).  Under the bust are date 1878 and two six pointed stars with 62 in the center (these coins were restruck in 1962). The reverse has the Spanish royal arms. The legend REY CONSTS DE ESPAŅA (Constitutional King of Spain) surrounds the top half whilst the denomination 10 PESETAS and the mintmaster's initials B.E. to the left and the mintmark M for the Madrid Mint to the right. 

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25 Pesetas - 1878

KM-677 - 3,23 g

Mintage - 0,018M

The obverse features a bust of a young King Alfonso XII (b1857-d1885) with the legend ALFONSO XII POR LA G DE DIOS (Alfonso XII for the Grace of God).  Under the bust are date 1878 and two six pointed stars. The reverse has the Spanish royal arms. The legend REY CONSTS DE ESPAŅA (Constitutional King of Spain) surrounds the top half whilst the denomination 25 PESETAS and the mintmaster's initials B.E. to the left and the mintmark M for the Madrid Mint to the right. 

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20 Pesetas -  1890-M

KM-693 - 6,77 g 

Mintage - 2.344

The obverse features the baby bust of King Alphonso XIII (b1886-d1941) with the Spanish legend ALFONSO XIII POR LA G DE DIOS with the date 1890 below with stars inscribed 18 and 90.  The reverse has the Spanish royal arms within a garter. This is encircled with the Spanish legend REY CONSTL DE ESPANA. At the left bottom is the denomination 20 PESETAS flanked by the mintmaster's mark M.P. and the mintmark M for the Madrid mint.


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