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This is a modest collection of second millennium gold coins of the Confederate States of America from the mid 19th Century

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US 20D 1861-O.JPG (22200 bytes)

$20 - 1861-O

KM- 074.1 - 33,44 g - 34mm

Edge - Reeded

Mintage -  17.741

This coin was minted at the New Orleans Louisiana branch mint using United States dies. The coin is the standard issue of the USA, picturing a Liberty head on the obverse and an eagle on the reverse. The dies were shipped from Philadelphia. The State passed an Ordinance of Secession on 26 January 1861 which dissolved ties to the United States and the State resumed its sovreignity. The State of Louisiana took control of the U.S. Mint on 3 February 1861.  Louisiana joined the Confederate States of America on 21 March 1861. Records indicate that 5000 of these were minted under U.S. control, 9750 under State of Louisiana control, and 2991 under Confederate Control. It is highly probable that this coin was minted while the mint was under the control of the Confederacy as it is believed that the coins with the greatest weakness at the base of the date where minted by the Confederacy.  This coin has a weak date progressing down to the base.

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